Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science, UMBC
Associate Director, UMBC Institute of Politics
Teacher-Scholar, Author, Political Analyst
Scholar of media and politics, public opinion, American political behavior, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Commentator on TV and radio, with bylines in the Washington Post and Baltimore Sun. Inaugural Associate Director of the UMBC Institute of Politics.
Teacher and Mentor
Offers undergraduate courses in American politics, research methods, political behavior, media and politics, and special topics
Author of Following the Ticker (SUNY Press, 2023), and a forthcoming book project on the political consequences of epistemic overconfidence

Contact Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Cir., 305 PUP
Baltimore, MD 21250
iganson [at] umbc [dot] edu